Email Settings

Through the email settings you can choose how your label's email messaging will work.

You can either work with the Forwarding option, or with the Welcome E-mail / Premium E-mail option, but not with both at one.

Forward all client emails - will forward all of our default email messages into your email address. You will need to manually send your clients 'welcome' emails. 

Check the 'Forward all client emails' checkbox, and enter your email address in the 'Forward E-mail' field.

Welcome E-mail / Premium E-mail: the label's will replace our default messages with the messages you set just below. To activate these messages, make sure to uncheck the 'Forward all client emails' checkbox.

You can edit two kinds of messages: 

  1. The 'Welcome E-mail' which is being sent to each new user, after creating his account.
  2. The 'Premium E-mail' which is being sent to each new premium user, after purchasing a premium subscription.

On both cases, make sure to keep brackets there, and change the content within them. 

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